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Symtoms of Zika disease and ways to prevent it

Zika Disease bury caused by a virus called bury that is spread by mosquitoes known as Aedes.
For the first time the disease was discovered in monkeys in Uganda in 1947, while researching yellow fever.

 Symptoms of this disease are similar to those of dengue and chikungunya fever, diseases that also distributed and mosquitoes that are fever, rash discharge, eyes red with tears, fatigue, headache,muscle and joint pain.

Not surprising for this disease in the country since the discovery after discovery to catch monkeys, then in 1952 to catch the disease was discovered in Tanzania and Uganda humans.
Last year the disease began as a chat again, after medical reports show that there are patients with infections in BrazilOften mosquitoes that spread the virus to bury usually have to bite the men in the morning, late afternoon and eveningLike malaria, yellow, dengue and chikungunya are transmitted by mosquitoes, these insects leave when a man bites a virus and draw blood.

Professional yet unknown time of transmission to the emergence of symptoms.Usually the symptoms and indicators may last for 2-7 days.

This disease is not bright when you find someone, the body itself can deal with them using the body's immune system.This disease has been debated in various locations around every day by scientists continue to study.

                         Prevention methods

Methods to prevent this disease is like the prevention of malaria fever.

These include body and wear protective clothing and mosquito bites, live in a house with windows with mosquito net to prevent penetration by closing windows and doors of the house.
People sleep in nets set specific drugs to expel a repellent called DEET spray hugging, IR 3535 or Cardin.

Parents or guardians to give support to the immunization of childrenand the elderly or infirm who can not protect themselves.
It is also very important to destroy mosquitoes contributing areasincluding draining water being based and free from sickness andsettle things including pieces of containers, coconut shells and tires

Categories will be required to cooperate with local authorities in an effort to reduce mosquitoes in their areas to keep their environmentthey live in, including drugs kill mosquito spray and cut grasssurrounding residential areas.

Swahili: Dalili za ugonjwa huu zinafanana na za homa ya dengue na chikungunya, magonjwa ambayo pia yanaenezwa na mbu ambazo ni homa, kutokwa vipele, macho kuwa mekundu yenye machozi, uchovu, kichwa kuuma, maumivu ya misuli na maungio

Ugonjwa wa zika unasababishwa na virusi vinavyoitwa zika ambavyo huenezwa na mbu wajulikanao kama Aedes.Kwa mara ya kwanza ugonjwa huu uligundulika kwa nyani nchini Uganda mwaka 1947, wakati wa kutafiti ugonjwa wa homa ya njano.

Ugonjwa huu umekuwa ukijadiliwa maeneo mbalimbali duniani na kila kukicha wanasayansi wanaendelea kuufanyia utafiti.

Mbinu za kujikinga

Mbinu za kujikinga na ugonjwa huu ni kama zile za kuzuia maambukizi ya homa ya malaria.

Njia hizi ni pamoja na kuvaa mavazi yanayokinga mwili kuumwa na mbu, kuishi katika nyumba yenye madirisha yenye wavu wa kuzuia mbu kupenya na kufunga madirisha na milango ya nyumba.

Watu walale ndani ya chandarua kilichowekwa dawa maalumu ya kufukuza mbu yenye kiambata dawa kijulikanacho DEET, IR 3535 au Icaridin.

Wazazi au walezi watoe msaada wa kuwakinga watoto na wazee au wagonjwa ambao hawawezi kujikinga wenyewe.

Vilevile ni muhimu sana kuangamiza maeneo yanayochangia mazalia ya mbu ikiwamo kuondoa maji yanayotuama na vitu vinavyobeba maji kutuama ikiwamo vipande vya vyombo, vifuu na matairi.

Jamii inatakiwa kushirikiana na serikali za mtaani katika juhudi za kupunguza mbu katika maeneo yao kwa kuweka mazingira yao wanayoishi ikiwamo kupulizia dawa za kuuwa mbu na kukata nyasi zinazozunguka maeneo wanayoishi.

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