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First lady mama Janeth MAgufuli brings joy at Church

The wife of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Mama Janeth Magufuli on Sunday has teamed up with fellow Christians of the Catholic Parish of St. Peter the existing Oysterbay in Dar es Salaam as a few weeks since he fell ill and admitted hospital.

First Lady, Janeth Magufuli talking to some of believers, including  newspapers saller. Chunks out of the Church of St. Peter, Oysterbay in Dar es Salaam

Being healthy and happy first Lady Mama Magufuli was with the Prime Minister's wife Mama Mary Fate had prayed the morning service at the church and then greet the faithful outside the church.
After the expiry of worship, some of the believers of the church have expressed their excitement of seeing a fellow believer, he joined them in worship and they pray for good health.
"I felt very happy to see Mama Magufuli has come to the church in good health and jovial face, and I pray to God to continue to supervise" said Mama Mabula.
"Very Nimeshukuru see my Mama Mama Magufuli, a fellow member church today, as his health if more stabilized, we are grateful to God and we pray for his health to continue kumpigania might become unstable" 

First Lady Mama Janeth Magufuli been following sermon given by Father Paul Haule Church of St. Peter throes Oysterbay in Dar es Salaam.

"In fact today for me, I am very happy to see Mama at the church, and more Mama both because it has come also the wife of Hon. Prime Minister, so for us it is very happy as a parish, we are very happy we partner with our leaders" he added Epiphany Ngonyani.
Last month Janeth Magufuli Mama got sick and admitted in the ward Sewahaji existing Allied National Hospital where he received treatment for two days and then discharged.

First Lady Mama Janeth Magufuli  greets with the wife of the Prime Minister, Mama Mary Fate

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